Singapore Green Transport Week

Green Transport Week kicks off tomorrow with a mass cycling event from three points, converging at SMU for a concert.

Register for the event at Green Transport Week website (just Google it). Info on starting points also available here.

Even those with foldable bikes are welcome.

See you there.

4 Responses to “Singapore Green Transport Week”

  1. that’s exactly my sentiment when i wrote about bus lane infringements here . the traffic police must be more visible. the thinking that education can change the bad driving habits and disregard for rules and laws on our roads is not right.

  2. Agree with you entirely. I’m fed up of their stock replay in the media. Little wonder then that it’s a mayhem on the roads. But let’s keep our cool.

  3. Innocent road users are getting killed, mained or suffer life-long injuries resulting from reckless and dangerous driving, yet Traffic Police does not think it’s serious enough to start acting tough. I’ve called on them to adopt a zero tolerance towards rogue drivers, but TP wasn’t impressed.

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